When do we gather?
Our Sunday 8am Service is located in our Chapel. This service has a traditional feel with hymns, prayer, and the same message as our Sanctuary Services
Our Sunday 9am & 11am services feature a full worship team including our band and singers.
What about my kids?
New Ridge Kids is open during our 9am & 11am services and is located in the lower level of the Sanctuary.
When you arrive enter through our Sanctuary doors and go down the stairwell to the left. Once there you'll be greeted by our New Ridge Kids team.
Our safe and secure check-in helps make sure that each child is accounted for and picked up by a designated adult. At check-in a child will receive a name tag and their adult will receive a security tag. When picking up that security tag will need to be shown to check-out the child.
By planning your visit your child will be ready for our safe and secure check-in.
What to Wear?
Dress what you feel comfortable in. Some people dress business casual and others shorts and a T-Shirt. It's completely up to you!
What to bring?
Many people bring a Bible but we also have them available if you would like one.
Message Series
Our message series run 4-6 weeks and are a great way to dig deeper into the word. If you miss a week check out our Podcast or YouTube channel to catch up!